Five Fibular Hemimelia Classification Systems

Coventry and Johnson Classification System

Coventry and Johnson Classification of Fibular Hemimelia: Type I Type II and Type III

Achterman and Kalamchi Classification System

Achterman and Kalamchi Classification of Fibular Hemimelia: Type IA, Type IB, and Type II

Stanitski Classification System

Stanitski Classification of Fibular Hemimelia: Type I Type II and Type III; Tibiotalar Joint: Horizonal, normal; valgus,; spherical; presence of tarsal coalition: With and without; Number of rays: 1–5

Birch Classification System

Birch Classification of Fibular Hemimelia: Type IA, Type IB, Type IC, Type ID; Two of fewer rays: Functional upper extremity Type 2A, non-functional upper extremity Type 2B;

Paley Classification System

Paley Classification for Fibular Hemimelia: Type 1: Stable normal ankle; Type 2: Dynamic valgus ankle; Type 3: Fixed equiovalgus ankle, 3A Ankle type; 3B: subtalar type; 3C Combined ankle and subtalar type; 3D Talar type; Type 4: Fixed equinovalgus ankle (clubfoot type)