
Foot Arthritis, Foot Deformity Maryland Dr. Siddiqui
Joyce with Dr. Siddiqui Joyce has lived with rheumatoid arthritis since the late eighties. This chronic inflammatory disorder affects the lining of the joints and causes painful swelling that can result in bone deformities. In Joyce’s case, it caused all of her toes on her left foot to become deformed. The big toe plays an important role in maintaining balance, and essentially Joyce’s big toe was not functioning. “I was walking on a bone. It was very uncomfortable, and I had balance issues,” she explained.

Since Dr. Siddiqui performed surgery on Joyce’s toes, she reports, “I’m walking much better. I’m a hundred percent improved. Balance is the big thing. I can wear sandals now, and I have toes that are not deformed. Now all my toes are straight. I can walk better. I’m functioning much better.”

Joyce was no stranger to surgery—she had several operations on her foot over the years, including a toe amputation, but they didn’t give her much relief. Her niece Joy who works at the Rubin Institute for Advanced Orthopedics suggested that she schedule an evaluation with Dr. Siddiqui. “Dr. Siddiqui said, ‘We can correct this.’” Not only that, but Joyce was relieved to learn that the surgical procedures he recommended could be done at one time and on an outpatient basis. “It was easy to schedule, and I was glad he could schedule it so soon.”

“I was really pleased. The whole team was very helpful—from making the appointment through to the surgery itself. The whole hospital was very helpful and professional.”

“He’s a very compassionate person. He answered all of my questions.” Joyce also appreciated that Dr. Siddiqui took all her past surgeries and her condition into consideration before coming up with a treatment plan. “I think the Rubin Institute is the best in Baltimore.” She explains that there was a big difference in being treated at the Rubin Institute and other hospitals. “Dr. Siddiqui makes you feel like a real individual, like your particular health issue is unique, not a factory where they are treating everyone the same way. At the Rubin Institute, each person is treated as an individual.”